He's a great guy once he's had a chance to program you.
In the swim of things.
This title is exclusively available to Backstage members.
Do you hear something?
This title is free for Backstage members.
Don't talk with a full mouth.
Everything will be just fine.
This title is exclusively available to Backstage members.
Things were different in the 1970s…
This title is free for Backstage members.
The trick is to keep recruiting.
This harem isn't going to build itself.
Just follow the script.
This title is free for Backstage members.
Important to try before you buy.
This title is free for Backstage members.
It's great to have a friend help out.
Those dreams don't mean anything, do they?
Open wide, and swallow.
It's so enchanting…
Stare into the fire, and feel your mind drift…
Think about lips…
Just watch the crystal and open your mouth…
Just stare into the screen and open your mouth…
Check out today's specials!
Whoever could that be at the door?
What's today's special?
Let's eat in.
It's just a fantasy, right?
She has something great to show her friend…
Suck it and see.
Before "The Proposal," Fiona had a Housing Crisis…
A weekend to not remember.
The ladies return to the scene…
Why just be roommates when you can be fuckdolls?
What naked woman?
It's an oral report.
It's important to do a thorough job.
Cut the conversation, just open your mouth…
This new landlord seems very accommodating…
It's not just the house being appraised…
A well-trained wife makes for a happy marriage.
Just because she's lesbian…
Hasn't everyone had a boss like this?
How was your vacation?
We found some souvenirs…
What's so weird about being your boyfriend's slave?
Everything checks out!
Assume the position
Sometimes, a career change is in order.
Covering your boss' desk is not just an expression.