Let's get this part out of the way: So that we can maintain a pleasant environment for all our customers, it is strictly forbidden to:
If we detect such usage, we may restrict or terminate your access to the site, without refund or credit, at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to restrict or terminate access if, in our sole discretion, we determine that a payment has fraudulent or materially incorrect information associated with it.
If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to contact us.
The charge on your credit card will be from "DVV ENTERTAINMENT MINDCONTROLTH CA". (We apologize for the extra information on the description; it's a requirement of our credit card processor.)
We can accept Visa, MasterCard or Discover-branded credit or debit cards. Foreign (that is, non-US) cards are fine. Prepaid cards sometimes work, and sometimes don't, and we're still not quite sure why some do and some don't. Our apologies.
Please fill out the credit card processing information accurately. The only thing we do with it is send it to our processor, but the chance of your transaction being declined goes way up if you put down "Moose N Squirrel" or something for your name. Unless, of course, it really is "Moose N Squirrel," in which case, put that.
We can also accept checks (drawn in US dollars on a US bank); click the appropriate link on the order form and you'll get full instructions.
We can't take PayPal, and we can't take American Express. Sorry.
All sales are final. There are no refunds for any purchase. If you receive a DVD or CD from us that does not play, we are happy to replace it with a working copy of the same title.
All downloads are activated immediately upon successful payment. If you have paid, but you cannot access the download, please contact us right away and we'll sort it out.
First, please note that our movies are for download, not on-line streaming. We don't keep a copy of your movie around on our servers to play on demand. Please download it and save it. We do not currently use any form of DRM on downloaded videos.
If you need to reactivate a movie, you can do so yourself. Log into your account, and then go to the page for the movie. You'll see a "Reactivate" button in place of the "Buy" button. Just click that.
If you reactivate multiple movies, you may have to wait for it to be available again. The system will tell you when the download will be ready.
Reactivation is a courtesy, and is not guaranteed. Please be sure to back up your movies, as we do not promise that we will always offer reactivation.
We generally ship within three working days, via the Post Office, from San Francisco, California. Domestic delivery generally takes 3-5 working days after shipment; International shipment is highly variable, but is generally within two weeks.
Daphne Avakian, who writes most of the Mind Control Theatre productions, isn't Daphne Rosen, the performer. Really, it's just a coincidence we have the same first name.
We don't discuss or preannounce any movie until it is shot, edited, and queued up to be released. The answer to these questions is, "We'll see!"
Send it over! We can't promise anything: That we'll use it, that we won't use it, that it will be used in a form you like, or that you'll ever hear from us again. But we're always happy to hear your ideas!
We're always happy to take suggestions and get feedback, but we rarely (as in, never) use outside material for our productions. We're happy to have you send us a script, as long as you understand: (a) We can't give detailed feedback. (b) We do not promise that we will use any of the material in it. (c) We don't promise we won't use the material, or that we don't already have a similar work in progress. (d) By sending us anything, you are absolutely releasing it for all purposes to us without any compensation or credit of any kind. If that's not OK, don't send us a script, treatment, or outline.
No. Getting all aspects of a fantasy just right is tricky, even if you are the person with the fantasy; doing it for someone else is very hard. Thus, we've decided to focus on our own material.
We're good, thanks.
Right now, we're only looking for professional adult-industry talent. If you are already in the industry, feel free to contact us with your information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at orders@mindcontroltheatre.com.