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What are those strange sounds coming from the lower level?
starring Paris Kennedy, Justine Joli and Tara Lynn Foxx.

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Audrey's friend Veronica has come from a visit back east. Audrey seems to glad to see her... but why is she acting so strangely? What are the strange moans coming from downstairs? And why is Audrey never without that audio player...

dir. Henri Tisserand, 6 June 2010 • 1280x 720 • 40 minutes • download: 615.8MB


Astounding. I think with this you're even closer to showing us what what we were once only able to imagine was possible with the medium. We'd all wanted to see videos like this for years, and now it's a reality. Easily the best yet, but I'm even more intrigued with the possibility this is still only a hint at greater things to come. -- Snarky on the Mind Control Forum

I have purchased over a dozen productions from Mind Control Theatre, and this is easily my favourite. I've always been a fan of people being entranced to masturbate and this video certainly doesn't fail to deliver on that. The acting is far better than what I've come to expect from pornography and all of the women in this video are absolutely stunning. Especially the redhead. She isn't just slutty hot like most pornographic actresses. She's a classy hot. This is easily a 10/10 for me. -- BigJohn on the Mind Control Forum

I would just like to throw my hand up in the air, and give you guys at Mind Control Theatre a big pat on the back! The entire film was classy, hot and down right awesome. I hope that more films like this one are on the way. Well worth the purchase. -- dragonraven666 on the Mind Control Forum

Congratulations, Mind Control Theatre, you cracked the code again: stunningly beautiful women who can realistically portray the transformation from aware & in control to mindlessly submissive, AND who are willing to have actual sex on camera. -- Roger Oveur on the Mind Control Forum

Kept is, to put it nowhere near strongly enough, AMAZING!

The writing, performances, selection of performers, directing, quality of production, all of these are superior in every way. I don't think I could even suggest a single area of improvement and normally I can find at least one or two small things.

It's a fantastic film -- absolutely everything I've hoped for in an MC fetish film. Please keep up the fantastic work! -- Silver, Erotic Mind Control Story Archive author


Paris Kennedy
Justine Joli
Tara Lynn Foxx

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